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Personalized Healing Sessions


 One on One Healing Work is the foundation of my calling 

Cost: $150


These sessions are for clients who have fallen in love with a particular modality that I offer.  This session is for those of you who would like to try a particular modality on it's own.  These sessions can also be used as a follow up session to a deeper shamanic healing session.  And finally, for some, this may be the most affordable way to access my services.  Please leave a comment for me when you book an appointment, so I can prepare myself appropriately.  

Hiy Hiy!  Thank you~



Somatic Experiencing

We know that our body holds memory & emotion.  Our Ancestors knew this, and communities had cultural & daily activities would help us process, so we weren't holding onto these experiences.  We were encouraged to move with and through experiences.  Many of those practices have disappeared or only happen occasionally.  


So, now...we have Somatic therapies to compliment those practices.  In these hour long sessions we explore how your body is holding onto trauma, maybe where it is holding, and how that feels.  We explore how your body might want to express the experiences that you've had...and in some sessions we explore the sensations of joy, peace, happiness... so that your body can begin to experience these as well.  These sessions assist us in slowing down, learning our body language.  We learn about our nervous system, why we react the way we do in situations, and how we can change.  Every body IS different, and so precious.  This work is loving, and profound. <3  I practice it myself, and it has changed my life.


Somatic Experiencing was developed to address the experience.  Car accidents, work accident or injury, animal attacks or bites, medical procedures or surgeries, witnessing violence, experiencing violence, neglect, profound loneliness, mental & emotional abuse... our body holds trauma, our body can also HEAL trauma.  This practice was developed by Dr. Peter Levine, and aligns with many cultural practices from around the world.  I graduated from the 3 year program in Dec. 2023. 



Integrative & Clinical Hypnosis

We also know that our thoughts & unconscious have a profound effect on our health & well being.  Hypnosis is the use of trance to access the unconscious mind.  Once we do this, we are able to resolve inner conflicting ideas, access inner wisdom for guidance, release damaging beliefs & create new ones, shift the way that our body functions... through this work you are able to feel stronger, lighter, more confident, peaceful, relaxed, focused, determined, energized, balanced & grounded.  There are so many benefits to both clinical deep trance hypnosis, and waking integrative hypnosis.  Both can be combined, and applied in all aspects of our lives.  


Each session is an hour long, and I will teach you easy self hypnosis techniques that you can use daily, or in panic attacks.


Integrative hypnosis is a healthy, non-pharma approach to assist with the challenges of anxiety, insomnia, depression and addictive patterns.  Hypnosis is actually used for the management of symptoms in many diseases.  There is research about the efficacy of hypnosis in treatment, all over the internet, showing how widely used this modality is.  The UK offers health coverage, and some of our health insurers do as well.  Especially with your doctors recommendation.


I trained in Clinical Hypnosis in 2010, and have studied Integrative Hypnosis & other specialized approaches in Hypnotherpay over the last 13 years.  

Another modality that I practice, and that has changed my life.  <3 



Energy Healing

We are amazing energetic and electrical beings.  Remember the experiment of holding hands and lighting up a bulb??  We conduct energy.  We also waste it, feel depleted of it, and have a difficult time accessing our natural ability to conduct energy.  Healing Touch (developed by an R.N.), Quantum Touch, Reiki, Traditional Indigenous Healing.  These are techniques in energy healing that I have trained in since 1999.  I was blessed to have Clinicians teach me, Elders teach me, and Spiritual Teachers teach me.  In these sessions?  I will teach you how to clear, charge, and ground your energy.  Okay, maybe not all in one session, but fairly quickly.  And, as we work together you will experience the sensations of lightness, rejuvenation, restoration, clarity, and grounding. 


This modality supports ALL other kinds of healing.  Especially after medical treatments or surgery, accidents, major life events.  Our energy, and the ways we use it matter.  Learning how to carry ourselves well, nourish ourselves, and hold onto our life affirming energy is essential to supporting our Good Health.  <3 



Wise Counsel  (aka Readings)

This is a purely intuitive practice.  :)  In this session I access my Intuitive nature & Mediumship abilities.  I use my senses & spiritual connection to gather information and I pass that information along to you.  I may also use Tarot Cards, Runes, or Animal & Sacred Path Cards.  These helpers are not always necessary, but they do help me reach deeper into the psychic space between & around us.  In this space lies information, new insights, or validation.  

Guidance is always present. 


The Readings I provide are accurate, I have several clients who come once or twice a year, every year.  I do hear, sense, and see Loved Ones that have crossed over.  I open up these sessions to Great Spirit, asking for the Highest and Best Medicine for you.   <3 

I trust that what comes through is exactly what is needed.  These sessions may be recorded.   ~Blessings~

More About Fully Integrated 90 minute Session

Cost: $ 250


This is the session you want to book if you are looking for Shamanic & Indigenous Healing.  It is also a weaving of all the modalities I practice, all the skills I have developed over 36 years of practice.  This session combines Somatic Experiencing, Integrative Hypnosis, Wise Counsel, Energy Healing, Indigenous Teachings and Shamanic Healing. 


You will experience threads of each of these modalities.  These threads will weave together to address the issue that you have brought to the session, and we will also weave in the new insights that we discover together through exploration.


This session is a lot.  I advise bringing a journal and a pen.


*Please Note:  If you are seeking Shamanic Healing, this is the session to book. 


In the initial session we will be shown the Good Work that needs to be done, and do what we can.  There may be Guidance to continue the work, and that will be discussed as the session unfolds.  Many of my clients come to me for this specific reason.  And they book appointments according to need.  With some families, I fill the role of “shamanic practitioner” or “spiritual counsellor” for them.  Assisting them with any wounds they feel need addressing, but also with Ceremony, Ritual & Spiritual practices.


For example:  Dreamtime Teachings is a fun session for children.  How to deal with bullies is another session I have offered.  And how to manage Spiritual Gifts, like mediumship, some children do sense spiritual energies around them.  Practical Skills can be taught in these sessions.


Example of Spiritual Healing Work that is done with contemporary Shamanic methods, or Indigenous Healing Ways:


Spirit Healing and Lifting-  (lifting of attached Spirits)


Curse Unravelling-  (removal of energy that is Binding in nature, negative beliefs or thought forms)


Clearing of the Spirit Gates-  (removal of energy that is stuck in the field)


Clearing & Healing of the Body-  (removing energetic & spiritual residue left in the body from trauma)


Ancestral Lineage Healing-  (healing of the original wound that created the negative pattern or dis-ease)


Soul Retrieval-  (journeying to gather a Soul piece that has been lost to the client)


Ancestral Lineage Healing, Healing & Clearing of the Body, and Soul Retrieval:

These sessions have a deep effect on the Soul, and can profoundly shift relationships, lifestyle, and your sense of personal strength.  For this reason I spend more time teaching & discussing strategies for Self Care. 


These sessions also require more Energy from me, my Body, my Spirit. They also require more from you, a minimum of 2 sessions is needed for this Good Work. 


The Investment, the Offering, the Sacrifice that you make matches the depth of the work that is being done on your behalf.  By myself, and by the Spirit Helpers who assist. 



*All healing and associated costs are discussed transparently, in advance. 


*All the healing work that I do is only done once I have full consent.



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